If you are running Dietplan7 you can check for the most recent update below and download and install it if required. To discover which release you are currently running, select About Dietplan7 from the Help menu of your installed software and note the version number that is displayed there.
You can also check for, download and install any available updates from within Dietplan itself. You can explicitly Check for updates from the Help menu or you can set your Preferences to perform a regular check every day, week or month
Click the appropriate button below to download the latest set of updates for PC Windows or Mac OS X. If your web browser gives you the choice whether to Open or to Save the file, choose Save and select a folder on your local hard disk where you would like it to be stored. Alternatively, right-click on the link and choose Save Target As.. from the pop-up menu.
To install the update, first ensure that Dietplan is not running. Then, if the file was downloaded to your desktop, simply double-click it. If it was saved elsewhere, use My Computer / Explorer (Windows) or Finder (OS X) to locate the downloaded file and double-click on the file name.
If Dietplan is installed on your local hard drive, the installer will automatically locate your current installation and you can simply confirm it. If it is installed on a network drive (Dietplan7 Professional) or on a USB flash drive (Dietplan7 Portable), you will probably need to enter, or browse for the location. If browsing, take care that the destination you confirm is the folder where Dietplan is actually installed. After confirmation, the installer will update all the required software components. Once it has finished, the downloaded file can be deleted.
If you have Dietplan7 Portable on a USB flash drive that will run on both a PC and a Mac you can download either of the updates below, depending on the type of computer you are currently using, and both the Windows and the OS X components will be updated.